
Facebook Note #3 = Blog Post #3

Music Blog

***OK OK OK, YOU SHould read this, but it’s still not a JOKE!— My inspiration

by Jared S. P. Fowler on Friday, July 3, 2009 at 4:17pm
I was thinking on my drive home today from the studio after a full day of recording and working on music, that i am inspired constantly by things around me, people i meet, events in my life, family members, Music, and the Sky.

I got up at 630AM, at the studio shortly after that and have been grinding away. This of course is nothing new, this has been going on for the last two weeks, ever since i returned from Montreal actually. I have been so busy, between practicing, recording, mixing, recording, sampling, recording, arranging, recording and even a little composing, I’ve been missing my wife and my 5 kids like a drowning man misses air. He knows that he needs the air desperately, but also knows that without it life could not continue. i miss my family like that. probably another week or two before we get everything finally down for keeps at the studio.

I’m attempting to do something that few have tried, that many have failed at, and even less than the many or the few, have ever been successful with. My desire is to do the most with this talent i have been given….if i can call it that, and I’m not sure i can. In the fall you tell me if i can when it releases.

Something i can tell you however is what inspires me to do what i do with my music.
Well it’s never been one thing.

i can never look back and say about my music, “oh I’m into music for the Money” cuz it wouldn’t be true.

(I am however into working a job for the money…but not music.)

For my music, it has always been created out of inspiration. Like today, i was driving home and was thinking about, all the Love and Tears i’ve ever experienced, and i would say, That is what inspires me.

Love and tears. Two things that you can’t touch. when you try and touch love, all you get is air, when you try and touch Tears, all you get is wet.

When i fell in love with a girl for the first time i was inspired to write a song.
When i literally met the girl from all the dreams i had ever had i wrote a song.
when my girlfriend accepted me to be her Husband i wrote a song.
when i remembered being so poor, we had to eat popcorn for dinner, i was inspired to write a song.
when i think about all the memories from my brother about our father beating him, i wrote a song.
When my mom died from AIDS, i was inspiried to write a song.
when i remember going to a court room and identifying a man who molested me, i was inspired to write a song.
when i remember about praying for a girl to fall in love with me, i wrote a song.
when i remember driving past a girl’s house to see if she loved me too, i wrote a song.

and my list goes on and on for another 60 songs.

I would like to say that i wrote a song for each one of my 5 Children when they were born. but i can’t. i didn’t feel inspired. I love my children of course, and do the best i can to help them be good people. But my goal as a father has always been to be an inspiration to them. To help them through the hard times in there life, with grace. to help them through their struggles and pain and Tears, with a smile. My children are inspired people already, because they have a mother that does more, and is more, than any other human i know. She raises 5 small children and puts up with me….and that is saying a lot.

i always say when i perform that i write love songs, because i write about what i know. Love. I know love. I know both kinds of Love. The good kind…and the bad kind.

What i always thought was that i was unique. I tried to make myself individual, but throughout my growing up years, I discovered that I would meet people that have had similar experiences as i have. I also discovered that we would inevitably become closest of friends without any effort at all.

They should all know who they are.

Now occasionally i will meet someone every two years or so, that i will be friends with for the rest of my life. No questions asked.

So as for my music goes, anything to do with Love inspires me. It does not just make a quick, fleeting impression, but a lasting effect, a lengthly tug on my proverbial strings, that moves me to put pen to paper, and then paper to sound, then sound to melody. There is an awesomeness to love, there is an incredible power to it.

If Love can ward off Death from a dying man, the same can be said as love’s absence can beckon the Grim Reaper’s attendance.

I’m a happy person for one reason, because of the people i know that give me love. You may know of a love on an even deeper plain than i understand, and when we meet next, remember to tell me about it.

It’s been a long Note on Facebook, and i hope it was worth the read.
God speed and be well.

My Inspiration.

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    • Angie Palfrey Awww…look at that face! How could I NOT love that face??? I love you Jib…to infinity and beyond!! 😀

      July 3, 2009 at 7:53am ·
    • Opal Schumacher Wow. Thank you for sharing this Jared. I feel very honored to know you and hope to hear the final cut of this album of yours in the future. I relate to so much you said here. I haven’t done any music at all (except sing at a wedding) in a year. And before that very little as well. I wonder sometimes if I’m being a brat by not refining my talent. If the creator pulling out his proverbial hair.

      July 3, 2009 at 10:47am ·
    • Shannon Griffiths You Sir… are an inspiration.

      July 3, 2009 at 11:09am ·
    • Jillian Howell Anderson nice! thanks for sharing… truly, life is an adventure and love is what makes the adventure beautiful.

      July 3, 2009 at 11:14am ·
    • Angella Yastremski Palfrey love ya Jibby!

      July 3, 2009 at 1:01pm ·
    • Shannon Gibbs-Stevenson beautiful Jared, just what I needed today. 🙂

      July 3, 2009 at 2:39pm ·
    • Greys Moir Awww!! you are awsome =)
      Love you guys

      July 3, 2009 at 5:24pm ·
    • David Young well said jared!

      July 3, 2009 at 5:35pm ·
    • Sharon Hara nice to see inside your head for a spell! That was definitely worth the read and it is interesting how we are more connected to each other than disconnected somehow….we make walk different paths and be in different places at different times and spaces but when we look deeply we see ourselves in one another all the same. Good luck with your creating and inspiring, Jared! thanks for sharing and caring….hmmmm….that sounds like the Great Root Beer ad~ lol

      July 5, 2009 at 7:32pm ·
    • Jillian Kirby You are refreshing Jar… just plain refreshing. 🙂

      July 6, 2009 at 7:03pm ·
    • Dale Bleau I’m honoured Jared. I love you, I hope you know, and want only the best for you and your family. With you all the way and for the long haul. Keep at it!

      July 10, 2009 at 8:02pm ·
    • Lisa-Anne Palfrey Joe I love you.. I dont really know what to say other than that.. Just I Pray For Happiness for you and YOURs Always..

      July 17, 2009 at 7:15pm ·
    • Nadine Wilkins Stewart Aww Jared, when you are big and famous I’ll still have the memories of sititng out on the frozen front yard of the Mattie’s house with Natasha and Dustin and I think Ben – having a Bonfire – you playing guitar and do I remember correctly – was there a telescope? I dunno I just remember, bonfire, music and good friends. Wish we could have hung out more! Goodluck with everything and let me know when your album is released so I can get my family to pick me up a copy!!!

      July 19, 2009 at 4:04pm ·
    • Maria Ridgley Weller That was a beautiful read Jared….Love conquers all!

      August 12, 2009 at 1:50pm ·
